
英 [taʊər]      美 [ˈtaʊ.ɚ]
  • n. 塔;高楼;堡垒
  • vi. 高耸;超越
  • n. (Tower)人名;(英)托尔
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塔 tower 塔物儿、塔儿
tower 塔,塔楼,耸立

来自古英语 torr,塔,眺望塔,来自拉丁语 turris,塔楼,城堡,高塔,词源同 turret,tor.引申词 义耸立,高耸。

tower: [12] The ultimate source of tower is Greek túrris, a word probably from a pre-Indo- European language of the Mediterranean region. It passed into English via Latin turris and Old French tur, tor. Turret [14] comes from the Old French diminutive turet.
=> turret
tower (v.)
c. 1400, "rise high" (implied in towered); see tower (n.). Also, of hawks, "to fly high so as to swoop down on prey" (1590s). Related: Towering.
tower (n.1)
Old English torr "tower, watchtower," from Latin turris "a tower, citadel, high structure" (also source of Old French tor, 11c.; Spanish, Italian torre "tower"), possibly from a pre-Indo-European Mediterranean language. Meaning "lofty pile or mass" is recorded from mid-14c. Also borrowed separately 13c. as tour, from Old French tur; the modern spelling (1520s) represents a merger of the two forms.
tower (n.2)
"one who tows," 1610s, agent noun from tow (v.).
1. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.
2. Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower.
3. They occupied the first two floors of the tower.
4. He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.
5. Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family.


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