
英 [swel]      美 [swel]
  • vi. 膨胀;肿胀;隆起
  • vt. 使膨胀;使隆起
  • n. 肿胀;隆起
  • adj. 漂亮的;一流的
  • n. (Swell)人名;(英)斯韦尔
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1. 蛇落在井里淹死了,被泡得肿胀、膨胀。
2. swell up 膨胀。
3. 蛇吃得太好,肚子都膨胀起来了。
swell 膨胀,肿胀,鼓起

来自古英语 swellan,膨胀,鼓起,来自 Proto-Germanic*swelnan,膨胀,可能来自 PIE*swel,照 耀,照射,使发热,词源同 swelter.引申诸相关词义。

swell: [OE] Swell comes from prehistoric Germanic *swellan, a verb of unknown origin which also produced German schwellen, Dutch zwellen, and Swedish svälla. Its use as an adjective, meaning ‘fine’, emerged at the beginning of the 19th century. The notion underlying it is ‘suitable to a swell, a fashionable or stylish person’; and this application of the noun swell probably arose out of an earlier use for ‘swollen’ or pompous behaviour.
swell (v.)
Old English swellan "grow or make bigger" (past tense sweall, past participle swollen), from Proto-Germanic *swelnan (cognates: Old Saxon swellan, Old Norse svella, Old Frisian swella, Middle Dutch swellen, Dutch zwellen, Old High German swellan, German schwellen), of unknown origin. Of emotions from late 14c., of music from 1749. Related: swelled; swollen; swelling.
swell (n.)
c. 1200, "a morbid swelling," from swell (v.). In reference to a rise of the sea, it is attested from c. 1600; of music, by 1803. The meaning "wealthy, elegant person" is first recorded 1786, connected to the now-obsolete sense "pompousness, arrogance" (1724), both from the notion of "puffed-up" demeanor or behavior.
swell (adj.)
"fashionably dressed or equipped," 1810, from swell (n.) in the "stylish person" sense. As "good, excellent," by 1897; as a stand-alone expression of satisfaction it is recorded from 1930 in American English.
1. Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000.
2. She could see her two sons swell with pride.
3. Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell.
4. Do your ankles swell at night?
5. I've had a swell time.


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