
英 [straɪv]      美 [straɪv]
  • vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争
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1. strive, strife 是同源词(v f),因此它们的含义很相近;其实,stride 与 strive, strife 也是同源词,只是 stride 的引申义引申得比较远,因此仅从含义上看不出它们的同源性。
2. 古高地德语:*strit- "fight, combat, contention; quarrel, dispute" => 古法语:*strit- / *strif- "quarrel, dispute" => strife => strive.
3. 古高地德语:*strit- "fight, combat, contention" => *strid- => stride (其字面含义,其实就是两条腿之间的对峙、竞争,两条腿怎样才能形成对峙呢,当然就是叉开腿,形成跨步、跨立姿势),由此引申出了如今的含义,straddle 就是 stride 的同源同引申义的词.
4. *strid- => *strad- + -le (双写d加-le, 反复体后缀)。
5. strive 和 strife 如今的含义出现了一定的分化,strive 多用来指褒义的努力、尽力在竞争、争斗中获得胜利,而 strife 则多来指中性的竞争、争斗的这种行为。
strive 努力,奋斗

来自中古英语 striven,艰难尝试,努力,奋斗,来自古法语动词 estriver,争吵,争斗,来自古 法语名词 estrif,争吵,争斗,改写自 estrit,争吵,来自 Proto-Germanic*strido,纷争,斗争,战 斗,词源同 stride.后主要用于褒义词义努力,奋斗,原词义见名词 strife,纷争,冲突。

strive: [13] Strive was borrowed from Old French estriver ‘quarrel, strive’. It is not certain where this came from, although it has been suggested that it was acquired from Old High German strīt ‘contention’, a relative of English stride. Strife [13] comes from the associated Old French noun estrif.
=> strife
strive (v.)
c. 1200, "quarrel, contend," from Old French estriver "to quarrel, dispute, resist, struggle, put up a fight, compete," from estrif, estrit "quarrel" (see strife). It became a strong verb (past tense strove) by rhyming association with drive, dive, etc. Meaning "try hard" is from early 14c. Related: Striving.
1. We encourage all members to strive for the highest standards.
2. Don't strive merely for quantity of production.
3. Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
4. Mr Annan said the region must now strive for economic development as well as peace.
5. You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before.


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