
英 [skriːn]      美 [skriːn]
  • n. 屏,幕;屏风
  • vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽
  • vi. 拍电影
  • n. (Screen)人名;(英)斯克林
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screen 屏风,屏障,纱窗,屏幕,银屏,电影,筛查,检查

来自中古英语 scren,挡风屏,炉挡,火炉栏,来自 Proto-Germanic*skirmiz,挡开,屏障,保护, 来自 PIE*sker,砍,切,分开,词源同 shear,share.引申诸相关词义及比喻义银屏,电影等。

screen: [15] Screen goes back ultimately to a Frankish *skrank ‘barrier’, a distant ancestor of German schrank ‘cupboard’. This was taken over into Old Northern French as escran, and it was a variant form of this, escren, that became English screen.
screen (n.)
mid-14c., "upright piece of furniture providing protection from heat of a fire, drafts, etc.," probably from a shortened (Anglo-French? compare Anglo-Latin screna) variant of Old North French escren, Old French escran "fire-screen" (early 14c.), perhaps from Middle Dutch scherm "screen, cover, shield," or Frankish *skrank "barrier," from Proto-Germanic *skerm- (cognates: Old High German skirm, skerm "protection," from PIE *(s)ker- (1) "to cut" (see shear (v.)).

Meaning "net-wire frame used in windows and doors" is recorded from 1859. Meaning "flat vertical surface for reception of projected images" is from 1810, originally in reference to magic lantern shows; later of movies. Transferred sense of "cinema world collectively" is attested from 1914; hence screen test (1918), etc. Screen saver first attested 1990. Screen printing recorded from 1918.
screen (v.)
"to shield from punishment, to conceal," late 15c., from screen (n.). Meaning "examine systematically for suitability" is from 1943; sense of "to release a movie" is from 1915. Related: Screened; screening.
1. For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen.
2. A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen.
3. McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness.
4. Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton.
5. Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.


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