
英 [ˈæɡ.rɪ.ɡət]      美 [ˈæɡ.rə.ɡət]
  • vi. 集合;聚集;合计
  • vt. 集合;聚集;合计
  • n. 合计;集合体;总计
  • adj. 聚合的;集合的;合计的
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1. ag- "to" + greg- + -ate.
2. => add to (a flock), lead to a flock, bring together (in a flock).
aggregate 合并

前缀ag-同ad-, 向,往。词根greg, 来自词根gre的反复格,gre, 集合,合围,同garden, 围起来的院子。

aggregate: [15] Etymologically, aggregate contains the notion of a collection of animals. It comes from greg-, the stem of the Latin noun grex ‘flock, herd’ (also the source of gregarious). This formed the basis of a verb aggregāre ‘collect together’, whose past participle aggregātus passed into English as aggregate. Latin grex is related to Greek agorā ‘open space, market place’, from which English gets agoraphobia.
=> agoraphobia, egregious, gregarious, segregate
aggregate (adj.)
c. 1400, from Latin aggregatus "associated," literally "united in a flock," past participle of aggregare "add to (a flock), lead to a flock, bring together (in a flock)," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + gregare "herd" (see gregarious).
aggregate (v.)
c. 1400, from Latin aggregatum, neuter past participle of aggregare (see aggregate (adj.)). Related: Aggregated; aggregating.
aggregate (n.)
"number of persons, things, etc., regarded as a unit," early 15c., from noun use of Latin adjective aggregatum, neuter of aggregatus (see aggregate (adj.)).
1. Newcastle went out of the competition, losing 2-1 on aggregate.
2. United won 5-3 on aggregate.
3. The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.
4. The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
5. Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.


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