
英 [ˈreɪ.kɪʃ]      美 [ˈreɪ.kɪʃ]
  • adj. 潇洒的;放荡的;轻快的;俏皮的
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rakish 时髦的,花花公子的

来自 rake,浪子,放荡子。

rakish (adj.)
1706, "debauched, disreputable," from rake (n.2) + -ish. Related: Rakishly; rakishness.

The meaning "smart, jaunty, dashing" (1824) is said to be a different word, probably from rake "slant, slope" (1620s), used especially in reference to any deviation from the vertical in a ship's masts, of uncertain origin, perhaps from Scandinavian (compare Old Swedish raka "project, reach;" Danish rage "protrude, project") related to Old English reccan "stretch." "The piratical craft of former times were distinguished for their rakish build" [Century Dictionary].
1. He wore his cap at a rakish angle.
2. He looked as if he had glued the rakish beard on to his solemn face.
3. He was a serious young man, not rakish or loud - voiced like the others.
他是个规规矩矩的青年, 不象其它小伙子那样流里流气或大叫大嚷.
4. Wild flowers standed side by side, making soft lake rakish.
湖边一排排的野花, 使这柔软的湖水又生了几分俏皮.
5. We were schooner - rigged and rakish , with a long and lissome hull ( John Masefield )
我们的船挂有大帆,流线形, 船身长,形态优美 ( 约翰梅斯菲尔德 )


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