
英 [ˈdæp.ər]      美 [ˈdæp.ɚ]
  • adj. 短小精悍的;衣冠楚楚的;整洁的;整齐的
  • n. (Dapper)人名;(英)达珀;(意)达珀尔;(德)达佩尔
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1. 谐音“戴袍、戴袍儿”-----穿金戴银、穿金戴袍的人,当然是衣冠楚楚的样子了。
2. 谐音“短泼”----短小活泼。
3. 谐音“代跑,代跑儿”-----为什么请他代跑,因为他很矫捷、敏捷、精悍,能够替我跑出好成绩。
dapper 整洁漂亮的,动作敏捷的

来自PIE*dheb, 厚重的,固定的,引申词义勇敢的,强壮的,后词义进一步褒义化,形容男人稳重的,整洁漂亮的。

dapper: [15] Modern English dapper connotes neatness, alertness, and liveliness, but its etymological significance as revealed by distant relatives such as Old High German tapfar ‘heavy’, Old Prussian debīkan ‘large’, and Old Slavic debelu ‘thick’, is ‘heavy’. The notion of ‘weightiness’ spread to ‘firmness, endurance in battle’, and hence ‘courage’ (German tapfer and Dutch dapper both mean ‘brave’). English acquired the word, with an apparently ironical change of meaning, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German dapper ‘heavy, stout, bold’.
dapper (adj.)
mid-15c., "elegant," from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German dapper "bold, strong, sturdy," later "quick, nimble," from Proto-Germanic *dapraz, perhaps with ironical shift of meaning (cognates: Old High German tapfar "heavy," German tapfer "brave"), from PIE root *dheb- "dense, firm, compressed."
1. He is a dapper little salesman in a business suit.
2. He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey.
他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人, 非常自负, 丑得象只猴子.
3. His manner was aristocratic , his movements dapper and suave.
他气宇轩昂, 温文尔雅,举止潇洒.
4. The once dapper , cheerful agent had become seedy looking and bitter.
昔日风度翩翩、容光焕发的经纪人,今天变成了衣衫褛褴, 蓬头垢面的人.
5. His dapper self - confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints.
这类的暗示似乎动摇不了他坚定的 自信.


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