
英 [ˈpɒz.ə.tɪv]      美 [ˈpɑː.zə.t̬ɪv]
  • adj. 积极的;[数] 正的,[医][化学] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的
  • n. 正数;[摄] 正片
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1. posit- + -ive.
2. etymologically means 'placed down, laid down', hence 'emphatically asserted'.
3. from Latin, meaning 'settled by agreement'.
4. => dealing only with facts, absolute, expressed without qualification, confident in opinion, concentrating on what is constructive and good.
5. placed down, laid down: 着实、敲定、确定下来,或者主观、武断地确定下来,或者主观地认为确定下来了。
6. 即:由字面、词源含义(placed down, laid down)引申表示为:主观心理的、客观实际的放下来了、确定下来的、定下来了。
7. 主观心理的其实就是认为确定下来了、定下来了,由此引申为:确信的,自信的,有把握的;进一步引申为:怀有希望的,往好的方向走的;进一步引申为:积极的(而非消极的,就是一种乐观的、正面的认为确定下来了);由此进一步引申为更宽泛的、广义的、各行业的“积极的”含义:阳性的,正数的,刚性的,向性的,趋性的等含义。
8. 该词的反义词为:negative.
positive 乐观的,积极的,实证的,阳性的,正极的


positive (adj.)
early 14c., originally a legal term meaning "formally laid down," from Old French positif (13c.) and directly from Latin positivus "settled by agreement, positive" (opposed to naturalis "natural"), from positus, past participle of ponere "put, place" (see position (n.)).

Sense of "absolute" is from mid-15c. Meaning in philosophy of "dealing only with facts" is from 1590s. Sense broadened to "expressed without qualification" (1590s), then "confident in opinion" (1660s); mathematical use is from 1704; in electricity, 1755. Psychological sense of "concentrating on what is constructive and good" is recorded from 1916.
positive (n.)
1520s, from positive (adj.).
1. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.
2. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.
3. I'm as positive as I can be about it.
4. A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her intuitive feelings.
5. The athlete received a two-year suspension following a positive drug test.


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