
英 [ˈæl.ɔɪ]      美 [ˈæl.ɔɪ]
  • vt. 使成合金;使减低成色
  • n. 合金
  • vi. 易于铸成合金
  • n. (Alloy)人名;(英)阿洛伊
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alloy 合金

前缀al-同ad-. -loy同词根lig, 绑,组合。特指把贵金属和贱金属合在一起冶炼。

alloy: [16] The notion of ‘mixing’ in alloy originated in the idea of ‘binding’ in Latin ligāre ‘tie’ (source of English ligament, ligature, and lien – via Old French loien from Latin ligāmen ‘bond’). Addition of the prefix ad- gave alligāre ‘bind one thing to another’, hence ‘combine’. This passed into Old French as aleier, where it eventually became aloier – hence English alloy.
=> ally, lien, ligament, ligature
alloy (n.)
early 14c. "relative freedom of a noble metal from alloy or other impurities," from Anglo-French alai, Old French aloi, from aloiier (see alloy (v.)). Meaning " base metal alloyed with a noble metal" is from c. 1400. Modern spelling from late 17c.
alloy (v.)
c. 1400, "mix with a baser metal," from Old French aloiier "assemble, join," from Latin alligare "bind to, tie to," compound of ad- "to" (see ad-) + ligare "to bind" (see ligament); hence "bind one thing to another." Related: Alloyed; alloying.
1. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
2. The worker worked in a little copper with the alloy.
3. Last October the first batch of low - alloy channel steel was successfully rolled.
4. This is not pure gold ; there is some alloy in it.
这不是纯金, 里面混有杂质.
5. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.



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