
英 [pɒd]      美 [pɑːd]
  • n. 蚕茧;豆荚
  • vi. 结豆荚
  • vt. 从豆荚中剥出
  • n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德
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1. 谐音“破的”------破茧而出的。
2. iPod (苹果公司音乐播放器) => i- +‎ pod.
3. iPod 词源:Coined (and trademarked) by Apple, apparently from i- +‎ pod, suggesting a small place to keep things.
4. iPod => pod- broadcast => podcast: 播客。
pod 豆荚


pod (n.1)
"seed of beans," 1680s, of uncertain origin; found earlier in podware "seed of legumes, seed grain" (mid-15c.), which had a parallel form codware "husked or seeded plants" (late 14c.), related to cod "husk of seeded plants," which was in Old English. In reference to pregnancy from 1890; in reference to a round belly from 1825. Meaning "detachable body of an aircraft" is from 1950. Pod people (1956) is from movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," based on novel by Jack Finney.
pod (n.2)
"herd of whales or seals," 1827, American English, of unknown origin.
1. Al increased MDA accumulation and the activities of SOD and POD Arabidopsis.
2. POD and SOD isoenzyme were closely related to the juicy sac granulation.
3. CCC could improve and continue the activities of SOD, POD.
CCC能有效提高和延续地榆叶片的SOD, POD酶活性.
4. The POD hardware platform layer consists of compute hardware, networking, and storage.
POD硬件平台层包含计算硬件, 网络和存储.
5. POD isoenzyme of Cabbage are analyzed by using PAGE.




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