
英 [əˈsɒlt]      美 [əˈsɑːlt]
  • n. 攻击;袭击
  • vt. 攻击;袭击
  • vi. 袭击;动武
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assault 侵犯

前缀as-同ad-. -sault, 来自词根sal, 跳,见salmon,鲑鱼,跳鱼。-t, 构成反复格。

assault: [13] To assault somebody was originally to ‘jump on’ them. The word comes from a Vulgar Latin compound verb *assaltāre, formed from the prefix ad- ‘to’ and saltāre ‘jump’, a frequentative form (denoting repeated action) of the verb salīre ‘jump’ (which is the source of English salient, and by a similar compounding process produced assail [13]). In Old French this became asauter, and English originally borrowed it as asaute, but in the 16th century the l was reintroduced.
=> assail, somersault
assault (n.)
late 14c., earlier asaut (c. 1200), from Old French asaut, assaut "an attack, an assault, attacking forces" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *adsaltus "attack, assault," from ad "to" (see ad-) + Latin saltus "a leap," from salire "to leap, spring" (see assail). In law by 1580s; historically, assault includes menacing words or actions; battery is an actual blow.
assault (v.)
early 15c., from Middle French asauter, assauter, from Vulgar Latin *assaltare (see assault (n.)). Related: Assaulted; assaulting.
1. At the police station, I was charged with assault.
2. US forces are poised for a massive air, land and sea assault.
3. The family tried to bring a private prosecution against him for assault.
4. John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.
5. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.


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