
英 [ˈped.ɪ.ɡriː]      美 [ˈped.ə.ɡriː]
  • n. 血统;家谱
  • adj. 纯种的
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1、pedi- "foot" + gruem (nominative grus) "crane", cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran, see crane. => pedigree.
2、字面含义为:foot of a crane. => genealogical table or chart.
4、Form influenced in Middle English by association with degree. => 词尾双e的风格来源。
pedigree 家谱,门第,世系

来自古法语pied de gru,天鹅的脚爪,来自pied,脚,词源同foot,de,的,gru,天鹅,词源同crane.后拼写通俗化,用于指家谱,因家谱图如同天鹅的脚爪而得名,引申词义门第,世系等。

pedigree: [15] Etymologically, pedigree means ‘crane’s-foot’. It comes from Anglo-Norman *pe de gru, pe meaning ‘foot’ (from Latin pēs) and gru ‘crane’ (from Latin grūs). The notion behind the metaphor is that a bird’s foot, with its three splayed-out toes, resembles the branching lines drawn to illustrate a family tree.
=> crane, geranium
pedigree (n.)
early 15c., "genealogical table or chart," from Anglo-French pe de gru, a variant of Old French pied de gru "foot of a crane," from Latin pedem accusative of pes "foot," from PIE root *ped- (1) "a foot" (see foot (n.)) + gruem (nominative grus) "crane," cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran; see crane (n.)).

On old manuscripts, "descent" was indicated by a forked sign resembling the branching lines of a genealogical chart; the sign also happened to look like a bird's footprint. Form influenced in Middle English by association with degree. Meaning "ancestral line" is mid-15c.; of animals, c. 1600. Related: Pedigreed.
1. Hammer's business pedigree almost gua-ranteed him the acquaintance of U.S. presidents.
2. She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree.
3. The champions really showed their pedigree today.
4. Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.
5. A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before it's sold.


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