
英 [məˈtʃʊər]      美 [məˈtʊr]
  • adj. 成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的
  • vi. 成熟;到期
  • vt. 使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出
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1. maid => mature: 少女变成了妈妈才真的成熟.
2. nature => mature. (n- => nn- => m-, 有一个n到两个n合在一起就是m, 自然地成长到成熟).
3. 自然成熟才是真正的成熟,人为的揠苗助长是不行的。
4. mature- -m(妈) + ature(nature--n女孩)-n(女孩)变成妈妈(M)----是自然的成熟过程-成熟
mature 成熟的,成年的


mature: [15] ‘Earliness’ is the etymological notion underlying the word mature. It goes back ultimately to a pre-Latin base *mātu-, which produced the Latin adjective mātūrus ‘timely, early’, direct source of the English word (in Old French mātūrus became mur ‘ripe’, which played a part in the emergence of English demure). Another Latin derivative of *mātu- was Mātūta, the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn. From this in turn was derived the adjective mātūtīnus ‘of the morning’, source of English matins [13] and matutinal ‘of the morning’ [17].
=> demure, matins
mature (v.)
late 14c., "encourage suppuration;" mid-15c. "bring to maturity," from Latin maturare "to ripen, bring to maturity," from maturus "ripe, timely, early," related to manus "good" and mane "early, of the morning," from PIE root *ma- (1) "good," with derivatives meaning "occurring at a good moment, timely, seasonable, early." Meaning "come or bring to maturity" is from 1620s. The financial sense of "reach the time for payment" is from 1861. Related: Matured; maturing.
mature (adj.)
mid-15c., "ripe," also "careful, well-considered," from Latin maturus "ripe, timely, early" (see mature (v.)).
1. These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.
2. Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.
3. The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature.
4. It's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals.
5. He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.


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