
英 [ɪmˈpɒs.tər]      美 [ɪmˈpɑː.stɚ]
  • n. 骗子;冒充者
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1. im- "into, in, on, upon" + post- + -or.
2. 字面含义:put upon, place upon, a laying on.
3. => sb put himself upon the position which belongs to another.
4. 也就是说某人将他自己放置在本来属于别人的位置上。
5. put something bad like deception on sb.
6. 或者说:以次充好,以假乱真,以假代真。=> 欺骗、欺诈。
7. put false on true, put false replace true.
8. 或者:impostor pose. => 摆姿势,摆样子,装腔作势。=> 假装、冒充。
impostor 冒名行骗者


impostor: [16] An impostor is etymologically someone who ‘imposes’ on others. The word comes via French imposteur from late Latin impostor, a contraction of classical Latin impositor. This was a derivative of imponere ‘put on’, hence ‘inflict, deceive’ (a compound verb based on ponere ‘put, place’), which also gave English impose [15], impost ‘tax’ [16], and imposture [16]. It is the ‘deceive’ sense of imponere, of course, that has come through into impostor.
=> compose, depose, impose, position
impostor (n.)
1580s, from Middle French imposteur (16c.), from Late Latin impostor, agent noun from impostus, collateral form of impositus, past participle of imponere "place upon, impose upon, deceive," from assimilated form of in- "into, in, on, upon" (see in- (2)) + ponere "to put place" (past participle positus; see position (n.)).
1. This is not Doctor Malcolm, he is an impostor.
这不是马尔科姆医生, 他是骗子.
2. The beasts snarled at this impostor, and backed away, roaring.
野兽们对着这个冒充的人咆哮起来, 怒吼着后退.
3. It may be, you think me an impostor.
4. I feel like a lousy impostor.
5. 'John Silver,'he said,'you're a prodigious villain and impostor - a monstrous impostor, sir.
“ 约翰-希尔弗, ” 他说, “ 你是个大坏蛋、大骗子 —— 是个十恶不赦的骗子, 先生.


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