
英 [hɪtʃ]      美 [hɪtʃ]
  • n. 故障;钩;猛拉;急推;蹒跚
  • vt. 搭便车;钩住;套住;猛拉;使结婚
  • vi. 被钩住;急动;蹒跚;搭便车旅行;结婚
  • n. (Hitch)人名;(英)希契(男子教名 Richard 的昵称)
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1. 我女巫(witch),掉水沟(ditch),p 投掷(披头士)(pitch),高被沟(hitch).
2. hitchhike => hitch.
3. 拼车服务Hitch不仅能帮你省钱,还让你交到新朋友.
4. 电影:《全民情敌》:《Hitch》:希什(Hitch)是纽约城的传奇人物,隐姓埋名的他从事着极具梦幻色彩的职业——约会专家。因为大多数男人都会在求爱的过程中遇到困境,这种障碍来自于试图讨取欢心时迷失了自我。于是,“全民情敌”希什出现了,作为爱情战术顾问。
5. hitch (from the notion of hitching a sled to a moving vehicle) + hike => hitchhike.
6. hook => hitch.
hitch 拴住,钩住,搭免费车


hitch (v.)
mid-15c., probably from Middle English icchen "to move as with a jerk, to stir" (c. 1200). It lacks cognates in other languages. The connection with icchen may be in notion of "hitching up" pants or boots with a jerking motion. Sense of "become fastened," especially by a hook, first recorded 1570s, originally nautical. Meaning "to marry" is from 1844 (to hitch horses together "get along well," especially of married couples, is from 1837, American English). Short for hitchhike (v.) by 1931. Related: Hitched; hitching.
hitch (n.)
1660s, "a limp or hobble;" 1670s, "an abrupt movement," from hitch (v.). Meaning "a means by which a rope is made fast" is from 1769, nautical. The sense of "obstruction" is first recorded 1748; military sense of "enlistment" is from 1835.
1. The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch.
2. The five-hour operation went without a hitch.
3. All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.
4. It was done without a hitch.
5. There is a hitch somewhere.


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