
英 [ɡɪmp]      美 [ɡɪmp]
  • n. 瘸子;花边;绒丝带
  • vt. 用镶边带装饰
  • vi. 跛行
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1、perhaps by association with limp, or a corruption of gammy.
2、gammy / gambe / gamba + limp => gimp.
gimp (n.1)
1925, "a crippled leg," also "a crippled person" (1929), perhaps by association with limp, or a corruption of gammy (see game (adj.)).
gimp (n.2)
also gymp, ornamental material for trimming dresses, furniture, etc., 1660s, probably from French guimpe, Old French guimple "wimple, headdress, veil" (12c.), from Frankish *wimpil- or some other Germanic source (compare Old High German wimpal, and see wimple).
1. Finally'Comment'something that will be saved as part of your GIMP file.
2. GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP for short, is the best in digital art on Linux.
GUN图像处理程序, 或简称GIMP, 是Linux系统最好的数字艺术.
3. By now Latsky is dreaming of taking GIMP it all over the country , all over world.
莱斯基现在正梦想带著GIMP到全美各地 、 甚至全世界演出.
4. The gimp went lamely around while whistling, informed us not to go to work.
那个瘸子一瘸一跛地四处吹哨, 通知说不出工.
5. I went to the gimp's office, he was sitting about like a clay figurine.
我找到办公室, 瘸子恰好在里面像泥人儿似的呆坐着.


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