
英 [ˈɡɑː]      美 [ˈɡæ]
  • adj. 可怕的;惨白的;惊人的;极坏的
  • adv. 恐怖地;惨白地
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ghastly 可怕的

来自ghose, 鬼。

ghastly: [14] Despite its similarity in form and sense, ghastly is not related to ghost. It was formed from the Middle English verb gasten ‘terrify’, which may have been a descendant of the Old English verb gǣstan ‘torment’ (source of aghast). The spelling with gh-, based on ghost, was first used by the 16th-century poet Edmund Spenser, and in due course caught on generally.
=> aghast
ghastly (adj.)
c. 1300, gastlich, "inspiring fear or terror, hideous, shocking," with -lich (see -ly (2)) + gast (adj.) "afraid, frightened," past participle of gasten "to frighten," from Old English gæstan "to torment, frighten" (see ghost (n.)). Spelling with gh- developed 16c. from confusion with ghost. Middle English also had gastful in the same sense, but this is now obsolete. Sidney and Shakespeare also used ghastly as an adverb. Related: Ghastliness.
1. He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies.
2. We had a ghastly holiday; it rained all the time.
我们的假日过得十分不愉快, 整天下雨.
3. When he heard the news, his face took on a ghastly expression.
他听到这个消息, 脸色变得很难看.
4. It's a ghastly murder I ever heard.
5. The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.


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