
英 [iˈlɪk.sər]      美 [iˈlɪk.sɚ]
  • n. 不老长寿药;万能药;炼金药
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elixir 圣水,灵丹妙药

来自阿拉伯语al-iksir, 来自al, 定冠词,见alchemy,-iksir, 干,词源同xero,见Xerox。原指使伤口止血的药粉,后词义进一步扩大为灵丹妙药。

elixir: [14] Although nowadays we think of an elixir as liquid, it probably originated in the Greek word for ‘dry’, xērós (whence English xerox). From this was derived a term for a ‘dry’ powder for treating wounds, xérion, and it has been speculated that this was borrowed by Arabic as (with the definite article al) aliksīr. Medieval alchemists used this as a word for a substance which could change base metals into gold, and also for a substance (according to some the same substance) which could confer immortality (known more fully as the elixir of life).
=> xerox
elixir (n.)
mid-13c., from Medieval Latin elixir "philosopher's stone," believed by alchemists to transmute baser metals into gold and/or to cure diseases and prolong life, from Arabic al-iksir "the philosopher's stone," probably from late Greek xerion "powder for drying wounds," from xeros "dry" (see xerasia). Later in medical use for "a tincture with more than one base." General sense of "strong tonic" is 1590s; used for quack medicines from at least 1630s.
1. There is no elixir of life in the world.
2. Keep your mind awake and active; that's the only youth elixir.
3. Another version has Chang'e drink the elixir to keep it from Pang Meng.
另一种说法是, 嫦娥 为了不让长生药落入逄蒙之手,便自己喝了下去.
4. I told you that I'm not handing out magic elixir.
5. Use: Increases Intellect and Spirit by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir.
使用: 智力和精神提高30点,持续1小时. 守护药剂.


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