
英 [ˈæp.ə.dʒiː]      美 [ˈæp.ə.dʒiː]
  • n. 最高点,极点;远地点
  • vt. 位于远地点;位于最高点
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1. 远离地球。
apogee 远地点

前缀apo-, 离开,远离。词根ge, 地,见geology, 地质学。

apogee: [17] In its original, literal sense, a planet’s or satellite’s apogee is the point in its orbit at which it is furthest away from the Earth; and this is reflected in the word’s ultimate source, Greek apógaios or apógeios ‘far from the Earth’, formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and ‘earth’ (source of English geography, geology, and geometry).

From this was derived a noun, apógaion, which passed into English via Latin apogeum or French apogée. The metaphorical sense ‘culmination’ developed in the later 17th century. The opposite of apogee, perigee [16], contains the Greek prefix peri- ‘around’, in the sense ‘close around’, and entered English at about the same time as apogee.

=> geography, perigee
apogee (n.)
"point at which the moon is farthest from the earth," 1590s, from French apogée, from Latin apogaeum, from Greek apogaion, neuter adjective, "away from the earth," a term from Ptolemaic astronomy, from apo "off, away" (see apo-) + gaia/ge "earth" (see Gaia). Adjective forms are apogeal, apogean.
1. The Alliance for Progress reached its apogee during the first half of the decade.
2. The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.
3. Particularly well equipped are the apogee telescopes.
4. The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.
5. The farthest point on lunar orbit is called apogee.



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