
英 [dɜːt]      美 [dɝːt]
  • n. 污垢,泥土;灰尘,尘土;下流话
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dirt 粪便,污物,烂泥

来自古英语drit, 粪便,来自PIE*dhreyd, 腹泄。引申义污物,烂泥。其日耳曼同源词词义集中在粪便,鸟粪,屎等。

dirt: [13] Dirt was originally drit, and meant ‘excrement’ (it was borrowed from Old Norse drit, which goes back to a prehistoric Germanic base *drit- that also produced Dutch dreet ‘excrement’). The toned-down sense ‘soiling substance’ is of equal antiquity with ‘excrement’ in English, and the modern English form dirt first appeared in the 15th century, by a process known as metathesis in which two sounds are reversed.
dirt (n.)
15c. metathesis of Middle English drit, drytt "mud, dirt, dung" (c. 1300), from Old Norse drit, cognate with Old English dritan "to void excrement," from Proto-Germanic *dritan (cognates: Dutch drijten, Old High German trizan). Used abusively of persons from c. 1300. Meaning "gossip" first attested 1926 (in Hemingway); dirt bike is 1960s. Dirt-cheap is from 1821. Dirt road attested by 1852.
1. He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him, pushing him into the dirt.
2. A group of riders came into view on the dirt road.
3. They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap.
4. Most of the dirt was on the outside of the tinted glass.
5. The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.


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