
英 [hwɪz wɪz]      美 [hwɪz wɪz]
  • n. 飕飕声;奇才
  • vi. 飕飕作声
  • vt. 使飕飕作声
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whiz (n.)
"clever person," 1914, probably a special use of whiz "something remarkable" (1908), an extended sense of whizz; or perhaps a shortened and altered form of wizard. Noun phrase whiz kid is from 1930s, a take-off on a radio show's quiz kid.
1. Gee whiz, they carried on and on, they loved the evening.
2. An arrow whiz ( z ) zed past.
一支箭 飕 地飞过去.
3. Compare zoom, whiz, zip, shoot, dart, and nip.
试比较zoom 、 whiz 、 zip 、 shoot 、 dart 、 nip这几个动词.
4. Zoom and whiz are both informal and indicate the rapid noisy movement of a vehicle, etc.
zoom与whiz均为口语用词, 指车等快速行驶同时发出声响.
5. The trend now is towards "lifestyle" electronics — black, shiny gee-whiz things that people like to own.


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