
英 [ˈwæk.i]      美 [ˈwæk.i]
  • adj. 乖僻的,古怪的
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1. thwack => whack.
2. 同源拟声词:thwack, whack, whang.
3. whack => whacky => wacky (from the notion of being whacked on the head one too many times; a person who behaves as if he had been whacked on the head).
4. wacky => wack (back-formation from wacky).
5. 韩国电影:《痞子老师》:《Mr. Wacky》.
6. 日本动画片:《古怪赛车》:《Wacky Races》.
7. 国外儿童书籍:Wacky Wednesday 苏斯博士:古怪的星期三.
8. wacky → wack(n.怪人)+y → 古怪的. wack音“歪客” → 怪人
wacky 古怪的,疯癫的


wacky (adj.)
"crazy, eccentric," 1935, variant of whacky (n.) "fool," late 1800s British slang, probably ultimately from whack "a blow, stroke," from the notion of being whacked on the head one too many times.
1. Wacky ideas are commonplace among space scientists.
2. Some of his friends are pretty wild and wacky characters.
3. Have you been using that wacky paste stuff that made me see my sister get eaten?
你用了那个让我看到我妹妹被吃掉的奇怪的糨糊 吗 ?
4. What was I thinking of, picking a wacky subject like cryonics?
我当初到底是怎么想的 —— 竟然挑了一个人体冷冻术这样的古怪话题?
5. Many Norwegians consider the idea wacky, according to media reports.


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