
英 [vent]      美 [vent]
  • n. (感情的)发泄;出口;通风孔
  • vt. 发泄感情;放出…;给…开孔
  • vi. 放出;(通过排泄等)减轻压力
  • n. (Vent)人名;(德)芬特;(英、捷、芬)文特
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1. wind => vent.
vent 出口


vent: English has two words vent. The verb, ‘provide with an outlet’ [14], came via Old French esventer from Vulgar Latin *exventāre ‘let out air’. This was a compound verb formed from the Latin prefix ex- ‘out’ and ventum ‘wind’ (source also of English ventilate [15] and distantly related to English wind). Vent ‘slit in the back of a garment’ [15] goes back via Old French fente to Vulgar Latin *findita ‘slit’, a noun use of the feminine past participle of Latin findere ‘split’ (source also of English fission [19] and fissure [14]).
=> ventilate, wind; fission, fissure
vent (v.)
late 14c., "emit from a confined space," probably a shortening of aventer "expose oneself to the air" (c. 1300), from Old French eventer "let out, expose to air," from Vulgar Latin *exventare, from Latin ex- "out" + ventus "wind" (see wind (n.1)). Sense of "express freely" first recorded 1590s. Sense of "divulge, publish" (1590s) is behind phrase vent one's spleen (see spleen). Related: Vented; venting.
vent (n.)
c. 1400, "anus," from Old French vent from verb eventer (see vent (v.)) and in part from Middle English aventer, from the French verb. Perhaps also merged with or influenced by Middle English fent "opening or slit in a the front of a garment (usually held closed with a brooch)," c. 1400, from Old French fente, from Latin findere "to split" (see fissure). Meaning "outlet for water," also "air hole, breathing hole" is from mid-15c. Meaning "action of venting" is recorded from c. 1500.
1. Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.
2. He squatted on the floor and gave vent to a deep sigh.
3. The cabby gave vent to an angry shout.
4. She gave vent to her anger and jealousy.
5. His hostility to the woman found vent in a sharp remark.


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