
英 [ˈjuː.nɪ.vɜːs]      美 [ˈjuː.nə.vɝːs]
  • n. 宇宙;世界;领域
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1、uni- + vers- + -e.
2、literally "turned into one". => all together. => the universe, the whole world, cosmos.
universe 宇宙

来自拉丁语universum, 所有,全人类,全世界,uni-, 一,-verse, 转。即转为一体的,引申义宇宙。比较cosmos.

universe: [14] Universe denotes etymologically ‘turned into one’, hence ‘whole, indivisible’. It goes back ultimately to Latin ūniversus ‘whole, entire’, a compound adjective formed from ūnus ‘one’ and versus, the past participle of vertere ‘turn’. Its neuter form, ūniversum, was used as a noun meaning the ‘whole world’ (based on the model of Greek to hólon ‘the whole’), and this passed into English via Old French univers. The Latin derivative ūniversālis gave English universal [14].
=> convert, version
universe (n.)
1580s, "the whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things," from Old French univers (12c.), from Latin universum "all things, everybody, all people, the whole world," noun use of neuter of adjective universus "all together, all in one, whole, entire, relating to all," literally "turned into one," from unus "one" (see one) + versus, past participle of vertere "to turn" (see versus).
1. Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
2. Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain.
3. Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure.
4. The physical universe is finite in space and time.
5. The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.


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