
英 [tɒt]      美 [tɑːt]
  • n. 小孩;合计;少量
  • vt. 合计
  • vi. 总计
  • n. (Tot)人名;(塞、荷、土)托特
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tot 幼儿,幼童

词源不详,可能缩写自 totter,蹒跚,摇摆。

tot (n.)
"little child," 1725, Scottish, of uncertain origin, perhaps a shortened form of totter, or related to Old Norse tottr, nickname of a dwarf (compare Swedish tutte "little child," Danish tommel-tot "little child," in which the first element means "thumb"). Tot-lot "play ground for young children" is recorded from 1944.
tot (v.)
"to reckon up," 1760, from tot (n.) "total of an addition," first recorded 1680s, short for total (n.). Hence, "to mark (an account or a name) with the word 'tot.'"
1. With gin at 9p a tot, getting plastered is cheap and easy.
2. Now tot up the points you've scored.
3. Can you tot up how much I owe you?
你能算一下我总共欠你多少钱 吗 ?
4. She poured herself a large tot of whisky.
5. Total of modules contain Jacobson radicals, and Tot ( M _ R ) + J ( M _ R ) ? Tot ( M _ R ) for a right R - module.
模的Total根包含模的Jacobson根, 并且满足Tot ( MR) +J ( MR ) Tot ( MR ).


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