
英 [θrɪl]      美 [θrɪl]
  • n. 激动;震颤;紧张
  • vt. 使…颤动;使…紧张;使…感到兴奋或激动
  • vi. 颤抖;感到兴奋;感到紧张
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1. Etymologically, thrill denotes "make a hole in, pierce, penetrate".
2. It is a Middle English alteration (that is metathesis) of Old English thyrlian 'pierce', a derivative of thyrl 'hole' (see nostril). And this in turn was formed from thurh 'through'.
3. The notion of 'making a hole' changed to the metaphorical 'pierce (比喻义:打动,感动;影响,侵彻) with emotion'.
4. 同源词:thrill, nostril, through.
thrill 震颤,兴奋,紧张

来自古英语 thyrlian,钻孔,打洞,穿过,来自 thyrel,洞,来自 thurh,穿过,通过,即 through 的古英语拼写形式。引申诸相关词义。

thrill: [13] Etymologically, thrill denotes ‘make a hole in’. It is a Middle English alteration of Old English thyrlian ‘pierce’, a derivative of thyrl ‘hole’ (source of the second syllable of nostril). And this in turn was formed from thurh ‘through’. The notion of ‘making a hole’ led in the 16th century to the metaphorical ‘pierce with emotion’, but the narrowing down of this to ‘fill with pleasure’ seems to be a comparatively recent development, from the late 19th century. Its earlier wider connotations are preserved in the derivative thriller ‘exciting story’ [19].
=> nostril, through
thrill (v.)
early 14c., "to pierce, penetrate," metathesis of Old English þyrlian "to perforate, pierce," from þyrel "hole" (in Middle English, also "nostril"), from þurh "through" (compare Middle High German dürchel "pierced, perforated;" see through) + -el. Meaning "give a shivering, exciting feeling" is first recorded 1590s, via metaphoric notion of "pierce with emotion." Related: Thrilled; thrilling.
thrill (n.)
"a shivering, exciting feeling," 1670s, from thrill (v.). Meaning "a thrilling experience" is attested from 1936.
1. The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.
2. It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.
3. He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal.
4. The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart.
5. His speech caused a thrill among the audience.


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