
英 [ˈter.ə.raɪz]      美 [ˈter.ə.raɪz]
  • vt. 使…恐怖
  • vi. 实施恐怖统治
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terrorize 使恐吓,威胁

来自 terror,恐惧,惊恐,-ize,使。

terrorize (v.)
"coerce or deter by terror," 1823, from terror + -ize (also see terrorism). Related: Terrorized; terrorizing; terrorization.
1. Terrorize one, and the rest fall in line.
这是一个威胁吗, 你要打破和平相处的界限.
2. Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.
你们渴望找到某个勇敢的国家实施恐怖主义 吗 ?去试试法国或者中国吧.
3. Gas Skunk : Gas Skunk, terrorize!
毒气兽, 变身!
4. Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidans were attempted by the Aryans, and each was quelled.
雅利安人发动了几次徒劳的针对波塞迪亚人的恐怖袭击, 但每次都被平息了.
5. A story is told of a brow - beating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses.
这个故事讲的是一个态度咄咄逼人的辩护律师, 他惯于设法恐吓对方的证人.



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