
英 [tiːz]      美 [tiːz]
  • vt. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求;使起毛
  • n. 戏弄;爱纠缠的小孩;挑逗者;卖弄风骚的女孩
  • vi. 取笑
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tease 梳理羊毛,逗弄,取笑

来自古英语 taesan,拔出,梳理,特指粗鲁的梳理羊毛,来自 Proto-Germanic*taisijan,分开, 拉,扯,来自 PIE*dai,分开,可能来自 PIE*da,分开,词源同 deal,time.后引申词义逗弄,取 笑等。

tease: [OE] Tease originally meant ‘separate the fibres of wool’ (a sense still perceptible in the metaphorical tease out ‘disentangle something complicated’). It came from a prehistoric West Germanic *taisjan, whose base was also the source of English teasel [OE], a plant whose prickly flower heads were used for carding wool. The notion of ‘irritating someone with prickles’ led in the 17th century to tease being used for ‘pester’, which gradually weakened into ‘make fun of’.
tease (v.)
formerly also teaze, Old English tæsan "pluck, pull, tear; pull apart, comb" (fibers of wool, flax, etc.), from Proto-Germanic *taisijan (cognates: Danish tæse, Middle Dutch tesen, Dutch tezen "to draw, pull, scratch," Old High German zeisan "to tease, pick wool").

The original sense is of running thorns through wool or flax to separate, shred, or card the fibers. The figurative sense of "vex, worry, annoy" (sometimes done in good humor) emerged 1610s. For similar sense development, compare heckle. Hairdressing sense is recorded from 1957. Related: Teased; teasing; teasingly.
tease (n.)
1690s, "act of teasing," from tease (v.). Meaning "one who teases" is from 1852. Specifically as short for cock-teaser, it was in use by 1976.
1. They try to tease out the answers without appearing to ask.
2. The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.
3. The boys would tease you to death if they didn'tfancy you.
4. When did you last flirt with him or tease him?
5. My brother's such a tease.


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