
英 [tæks]      美 [tæks]
  • vt. 向…课税;使负重担
  • n. 税金;重负
  • n. (Tax)人名;(英、匈、捷)塔克斯
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tax 征税,课税,税,税款

来自拉丁语 taxare,评估,估计,征税,反复格于 tangere,接触,安排,来自 PIE*tag,接触, 触摸,词源同 tangent,task.后引申词义征税,课税,及名词词义税收,税款等。

tax: [13] Tax originally denoted ‘assess an amount to be levied’; the notion of ‘imposing such a levy’ is a secondary development. The word comes via Old French taxer from Latin taxāre ‘touch, assess, appraise’, a derivative of tangere ‘touch’ (source of English contact, tangible, etc). From taxāre was derived the medieval Latin noun taxa ‘tax, piece of work imposed’, which passed into English via Anglo-Norman tasque as task [13].
=> tact, tangent, tangible, task
tax (v.)
c. 1300, "impose a tax on," from Old French taxer "impose a tax" (13c.) and directly from Latin taxare "evaluate, estimate, assess, handle," also "censure, charge," probably a frequentative form of tangere "to touch" (see tangent (adj.)). Sense of "to burden, put a strain on" first recorded early 14c.; that of "censure, reprove" is from 1560s. Its use in Luke ii for Greek apographein "to enter on a list, enroll" is due to Tyndale. Related: Taxed; taxing.
tax (n.)
early 14c., "obligatory contribution levied by a sovereign or government," from Anglo-French tax, Old French taxe, and directly from Medieval Latin taxa, from Latin taxare (see tax (v.)). Related: Taxes. Tax-deduction is from 1942; tax-shelter is attested from 1961.
1. Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.
2. The federal government hiked the tax on hard liquor.
3. The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business.
4. Is a tax increase still out of the question?
5. Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.



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