
英 [tɑːt]      美 [tɑːrt]
  • adj. 酸的;锋利的;尖刻的
  • n. 果馅饼;妓女
  • vt. 打扮
  • n. (Tart)人名;(英)塔特
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1. 蛋挞(Egg Tart),台湾称为蛋塔,“挞”是英文“tart”的音译,意指馅料外露的馅饼(相对于表面被饼皮覆盖,馅料密封的批派馅饼)(pie);蛋挞即以蛋浆为馅料的"tart”。
2. tear (v.) => teart => tart: 撕得他体无完肤、批得他体无完肤。
3. sometimes said to be a shortening of sweetheart. But another theory traces it to jam-tart (see tart (n.1)).
4. 谐音“踏他、挞他”-------用言语践踏他、挞伐他。
tart 甜果馅饼,妓女,骚货

来自古法语 tarte, 甜馅饼, 来 自拉丁语 torta panis, 来自 torta, 旋转的, 扭 曲的, 词源同 torture,panis,面包,词源同 pantry.引申俚语义妓女,骚货。

tart (adj.)
"having a sharp taste," 1520s, also attested once, obscurely, from late 14c., perhaps from Old English teart "painful, sharp, severe, rough" (in reference to punishment, pain, suffering), from Germanic *ter-t-, from PIE *der- (2) "to split, flay, peel" (see tear (v.1)), but the gap in the record is unexplained. Figurative use, with reference to words, speech, etc., is attested from c. 1600. Related: Tartly; tartness, both also absent in Middle English.
tart (n.1)
"small pie," late 14c., from Old French tarte "flat, open-topped pastry" (13c.), possibly an alteration of torte, from Late Latin torta "round loaf of bread" (in Medieval Latin "a cake, tart"), perhaps from past participle of torquere "to twist."
tart (n.2)
1887, "prostitute, immoral woman," from earlier use as a term of endearment to a girl or woman (1864), sometimes said to be a shortening of sweetheart. But another theory traces it to jam-tart (see tart (n.1)), which was British slang early 19c. for "attractive woman." Diminutive tartlet attested from 1890. To tart (something) up is from 1938. Related: Tarted.
1. The fruit has a tart and astringent flavour.
2. The tart flavour of the cranberries adds piquancy.
3. He gave a tart reply.
4. I don't like a tart apple.
5. If any cracks have appeared in the tart case, fill these in with raw pastry.


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