
英 [ˈtæŋ.ɡəl]      美 [ˈtæŋ.ɡəl]
  • n. 纠纷;混乱状态
  • vt. 使纠缠;处于混乱状态
  • vi. 缠结;乱作一团
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tangle 使缠结,纠结

来自中古英语 tagilen,卷入,缠结,来自 Proto-Germanic*thangul,海藻,海草,词源同 entangle. 比喻用法。

tangle (n.)
1610s, "a tangled condition, a snarl of threads," from tangle (v.).
tangle (v.)
mid-14c., nasalized variant of tagilen "to involve in a difficult situation, entangle," from a Scandinavian source (compare dialectal Swedish taggla "to disorder," Old Norse þongull "seaweed"), from Proto-Germanic *thangul- (cognates: Frisian tung, Dutch tang, German Tang "seaweed"); thus the original sense of the root evidently was "seaweed" as something that entangles (itself, or oars, or fishes, or nets). "The development of such a verb from a noun of limited use like tangle 1 is somewhat remarkable, and needs confirmation" [Century Dictionary]. In reference to material things, from c. 1500. Meaning "to fight with" is American English, first recorded 1928. Related: Tangled; tangling. Tanglefoot (1859) was Western American English slang for "strong whiskey."
1. Better not tangle with the censors. They're very vindictive.
2. I was thinking what a tangle we had got ourselves into.
3. Her hair tends to tangle.
4. a tangle of branches
5. We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.


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