
英 [strænd]      美 [strænd]
  • n. 线;串;海滨
  • vt. 使搁浅;使陷于困境;弄断;使落后
  • vi. 搁浅
  • n. (Strand)人名;(英、芬、丹、挪、瑞典)斯特兰德;(德)施特兰德
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1. 谐音“是串的”。
2. stranding: 谐音“使船定”。
3. 河岸街(Strand)
4. 谐音“使船躲”----使船躲避、结果躲避不及搁浅了。
5. 谐音“四窜躲”。
6. string => strand.
strand 海岸,海滨,河岸,搁浅,滞留

来自古英语 strand,海岸,海滨,来自 Proto-Germanic*strandaz,岸,边,来自 PIE*ster,展开,

strand (n.1)
"shore, beach," Old English strand "sea-shore," from Proto-Germanic *strandaz (cognates: Danish and Swedish strand "beach, shore, strand," Old Norse strönd "border, edge, shore," Old Frisian strond, Middle Dutch strant, Dutch strand, Middle Low German strant, German Strand "beach"), of uncertain origin. Perhaps from PIE root *ster- "to stretch out." Strictly, the part of a shore that lies between the tide-marks. Formerly also used of river banks, hence the London street name (1246).
strand (v.)
1620s, "to drive aground on a shore," from strand (n.1); figurative sense of "leave helpless," as of a ship left aground by the tide, is first recorded 1837. Related: Stranded; stranding.
strand (n.2)
"individual fiber of a rope, string, etc.," late 15c., probably from a continental Germanic source akin to Old High German streno "lock, tress, strand of hair," Middle Dutch strene "a skein, hank of thread," German Strähne "a skein, strand," of unknown connection. Perhaps to English via an Old French form.
1. Sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair.
2. The Strand is one of London's busiest and most affluent streets.
3. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.
4. Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls.
5. Not a strand of her golden hair was out of place.


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