
英 [ˈstaɪ.fəl]      美 [ˈstaɪ.fəl]
  • vt. 扼杀;使窒息;藏匿
  • vi. 窒息;被扼杀
  • n. (马等的)后膝关节;(马等的)[动] 后膝关节病
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1. It may have been a blend of *extufus 'take a steam bath' (source of English stew and stove) and late Latin stuppare 'stop up, plug' (source of English stop and stuff).
2. stiff, stuff => stif- + -le (diminutive suffix) => stifle.
3. 谐音“使袋封”------把袋子封死,使其窒息而死。
stifle 窒息,压制,扼杀

词源不确定,可能最终来自 PIE*steip,压紧,打包,塞满,词源同 stiff,stuff.-le,表反复。引申 词义窒息,压制,扼杀等。

stifle: [14] Stiffle was probably adapted from Old French estouffer ‘choke, smother’. This in turn went back to a Vulgar Latin *extuffāre, which may have been a blend of *extūfāre ‘take a steam bath’ (source of English stew) and late Latin stuppāre ‘stop up, plug’ (source of English stop and stuff).
=> stew, stop, stuff
stifle (v.)
late 14c., "to choke, suffocate, drown," of uncertain origin, possibly an alteration of Old French estouffer "to stifle, smother" (Modern French étouffer), itself of uncertain origin, perhaps from a Germanic source (compare Old High German stopfon "to plug up, stuff"). Metaphoric sense is from 1570s. Related: Stifled; stifling.
1. His hand shot to his mouth to stifle a giggle.
2. It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.
3. Critics have accused the US of trying to stifle debate.
4. She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn.
5. The food did nothing to stifle her queasiness.


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