
英 [stɜːn]      美 [stɝːn]
  • n. 船尾;末端
  • adj. 严厉的;坚定的
  • n. (Stern)人名;(英、以、法、瑞典、西)斯特恩;(德、波、匈)施特恩
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1. *ster- / *star- "stiff, rigid" => stare.
2. => look fixedly at, look at sb / sth stiffly or rigidly.
3. *ster- / *star- "stiff, rigid" => stern.
4. => severe, strict.
5. steer => stern.
6. => stern 'rear of a vessel, hind part of a ship' is etymologically "steering gear of a ship, the steering gear end of a ship".
7. 记忆:谐音:死瞪。老板死死地瞪着员工,显得非常地严厉。
stern 严厉的,严苛的

来自古英语 styrne,严厉的,严苛的,来自 Proto-Germanic*sternijaz,硬的,强硬的,来自 PIE*ster, 固定的,坚固的,僵硬的,词源同 sterile,stark.

stern 船尾

词源同 steer,驾驶,操纵。因过去习惯在船尾驾驶船只,后引申词义船尾。

stern: English has two distinct words stern. The older, the adjective ‘severe’ [OE], comes from a prehistoric Germanic *sternjaz, which was probably derived from the base *ster-, *star- ‘be rigid’ (source also of English starch, stare, starve, etc). Stern ‘rear of a vessel’ [13] is etymologically the ‘steering’ end of a ship. The word was probably borrowed from Old Norse stjórn ‘steering’, a derivative of the same base as produced stýra ‘steer’ (source of English steer).
=> starch, stare, starve, stereo, stork; steer
stern (adj.)
Old English styrne "severe, strict, grave, hard, cruel," from Proto-Germanic *sternijaz (cognates: Middle High German sterre, German starr "stiff," störrig "obstinate;" Gothic andstaurran "to be stiff;" Old Norse stara; Old English starian "to look or gaze upon"), from PIE root *ster- (1) "rigid, stiff" (see stereo-). Related: Sternly; sternness.
stern (n.)
early 13c., "hind part of a ship; steering gear of a ship," probably from a Scandinavian source, such as Old Norse stjorn "a steering," related to or derived from styra "to guide" (see steer (v.)). Or the word may come from Old Frisian stiarne "rudder," which also is related to steer (v.). Stern-wheeler as a type of steam-boat is from 1855, American English.
1. He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.
2. The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away.
3. We remember our mother's stern instructions not to boast.
4. Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
5. In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.


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