
英 [ˈspɒn.sər]      美 [ˈspɑːn.sɚ]
  • n. 赞助者;主办者;保证人
  • vt. 赞助;发起
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sponsor 赞助者,赞助商,支持者

来自拉丁语 sponsor,洗礼人,来自 sponsus,担保的,承诺的,过去分词格于 spondere,担保, 承诺,来自 PIE*spend,献祭,履行仪式,承诺,词源同 spouse,correspond.引申诸相关词义。

sponsor: [17] Etymologically, a sponsor is someone who makes a ‘solemn promise’. The word was borrowed from Latin sponsor, a derivative of spondēre ‘promise solemnly’, which denoted ‘someone who stands surely for another’. In the Christian era it came to be used for a ‘godparent’, which was its original sense in English. From the same source come English despond, respond, spouse, and probably spontaneous [17].
=> despond, respond, spontaneous, spouse
sponsor (n.)
1650s, from Late Latin sponsor "sponsor in baptism," in Latin "a surety, guarantee, bondsman," from sponsus, past participle of spondere "give assurance, promise solemnly" (see spondee). Sense of "person who pays for a radio (or, after 1947, TV) program" is first recorded 1931.
sponsor (v.)
1884, "to favor or support," from sponsor (n.). Commercial broadcasting sense is from 1931. Related: Sponsored; sponsoring.
1. Most companies are looking to sponsor students on specific courses.
2. We have to make the states that sponsor terrorism pay a price.
3. She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership.
4. Companies will now be able to sponsor programmes on ITV and Channel 4.
5. Please could you sponsor me for my school's campaign for Help the Aged?


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