
英 [ˈsplen.dɪd]      美 [ˈsplen.dɪd]
  • adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的
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1. splend- "shine" + -id (形容词后缀) => splendid.
2. splend- "shine" => 专家“凿壁借光” => (专家在艰苦的环境中学古人通过“凿壁借光”来夜以继日地继续他的研究工作).
3. => 形容像光辉一样辉煌、灿烂、杰出、优秀。
splendid 壮丽的,壮观的

来自 splendor,壮观,壮丽,-id,形容词后缀。

splendid: [17] Splendid comes via French splendide from Latin splendidus, a derivative of the verb splendēre ‘shine’. This went back ultimately to the Indo-European base *splēnd- or *plēnd- ‘bright’, which also produced Old Lithuanian splendeti ‘shine’ and Welsh llathru ‘polish’. Amongst the derivatives adopted by English are resplendent [15], splendiferous [15] (from splendiferus, a medieval alteration of late Latin splendōrifer, literally ‘bearing brightness’, hence ‘full of splendour’ – its modern use, as a jocular alternative to splendid, is a 19th-century American innovation), and splendour [15].
=> resplendent
splendid (adj.)
1620s, "marked by grandeur," probably a shortening of earlier splendidious (early 15c.), from Latin splendidus "bright, shining, glittering; sumptuous, gorgeous, grand; illustrious, distinguished, noble; showy, fine, specious," from splendere "be bright, shine, gleam, glisten," from PIE *splend- "to shine, glow" (cognates: Lithuanian splendziu "I shine," Middle Irish lainn "bright"). An earlier form was splendent (late 15c.). From 1640s as "brilliant, dazzling;" 1640s as "conspicuous, illustrious; very fine, excellent." Ironic use (as in splendid isolation, 1843) is attested from 17c.
1. The house commanded some splendid views of Delaware Bay.
2. Our house has got a splendid view across to the Cotswolds.
3. She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.
4. Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall.
5. The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority.


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