
英 [slɒp]      美 [slɑːp]
  • vt. 溢出,使溅出
  • vi. 溅出;泼洒
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1. 谐音“使落泼、使漏泼、是漏盆、死漏盆”------溅落、泼洒。
2. 谐音“丝络袍”。
3. slip => slop: 指具有滑动特性的低质的流质或半流质物质。
4. slip => slop: 液体物质流出来、溢出来、滑出来的东西。
slop 泥浆,泔水,剩饭菜

来自辅音丛 sl-,黏滑的,淤泥的,泥浆的,比较 slop,slosh,slough,sludge.用于指泔水,剩饭菜。

slop: see slip
slop (n.)
c. 1400, "mudhole," probably from Old English -sloppe "dung" (in plant name cusloppe, literally "cow dung"), related to slyppe "slime" (see slip (v.)). Meaning "semiliquid food" first recorded 1650s; that of "refuse liquid of any kind, household liquid waste" (usually slops) is from 1815. Meaning "affected or sentimental material" is from 1866.
slop (n.2)
late 14c., "loose outer garment," probably from Middle Dutch slop, of uncertain origin, corresponding to words in Old Norse and perhaps in Old English. Sense extended generally to "clothing, ready-made clothing" (1660s), usually in plural slops. Hence, also, slop-shop "shop where ready-made clothes are sold" (1723).
slop (v.)
"to spill carelessly" (transitive), 1550s, from slop (n.1). Intransitive sense from 1746. Related: Slopped; slopping.
1. She used to slop around all day in old jeans and sweatshirts.
2. If you roll a ball up a slop, it will roll down again.
如果你把球滚上斜坡, 它还会滚下来.
3. Don't slop your coffee in the saucer like that.
看你,别把咖啡洒得满盘子都是. ”
4. If anything can put Slop down, Arabin will do it.
要是有什么办法可以把斯洛普压制下去, 阿拉宾保管会做的.
5. I had to slop through the rain.


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