
英 [slɑːnt]      美 [slænt]
  • n. 倾斜;观点;偏见
  • vi. 倾斜;有倾向
  • vt. 使倾斜;使倾向于
  • adj. 倾斜的;有偏见的
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1. slip => *sl- "slip" => slip, slope, slant. 在没有外力作用下要倾斜、有斜坡才能滑动。
2. 谐音“是南梯”----是向南的梯子、斜梯。
slant 使倾斜,歪斜,倾向性的陈述和报道

词源不详,可能来自辅音丛 sl-,滑的,词源同 slip,slide,slope.引申词义使倾斜,歪斜,后用于 比喻义倾向性的陈述的报道。

slant (n.)
1650s, "an oblique direction or plane" (originally of landforms), from slant (v.). Meaning "a way of regarding something" is from 1905. Derogatory slang sense of "a slant-eyed Asian person" is recorded from 1943, from earlier slant-eyes (1929).
slant (v.)
1520s, "to strike obliquely" (against something), alteration of slenten "slip sideways" (c. 1300), perhaps via a Scandinavian source (compare Swedish slinta "to slip," Norwegian slenta "to fall on one side"), from Proto-Germanic *slintanan. Intransitive sense of "to slope, to lie obliquely" is first recorded 1690s; transitive sense of "to give a sloping direction to" is from 1805. Related: Slanted; slanting. As an adverb from late 15c.; as an adjective from 1610s. Slant rhyme attested from 1944.
1. The political slant at Focus can be described as centre-right.
2. You're slightly above the garden because the house is on a slant.
3. Close the window quickly lest the raindrops ( should ) slant in.
快关窗户,别让雨点 潲 进来.
4. I want to know your slant on the problem.
5. The lines are drawn on a slant.


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