
英 [saɪər]      美 [saɪr]
  • n. 陛下;大人;男性祖先;雄性亲畜
  • vt. 做…的父亲;生产
  • n. (Sire)人名;(芬、挪)西雷;(法)西尔
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sire 陛下

来自 sir 对词形式,古代用于对国王的称呼。

sire (v.)
"to beget, to be the sire of," 1610s, from sire (n.). Used chiefly of beasts, especially of stallions. Related: Sired; siring.
sire (n.)
c. 1200, title placed before a name and denoting knighthood, from Old French sire "lord (appellation), sire, my lord," from Vulgar Latin *seior, from Latin senior "older, elder" (see senior (adj.)). Standing alone and meaning "your majesty" it is attested from early 13c. General sense of "important elderly man" is from mid-14c.; that of "father, male parent" is from mid-13c.
1. ' The light is indeed dim, sire, I must get my glasses.'
“陛下, 这儿光线的确太暗了, 我得去眼镜拿来. ”
2. Sire: I have made you king: my work is done.
3. She also defied her sire.
4. The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes.
5. Native soldier: But, sire, they are being led by Tzekelkan.
土人士兵: 可是, 酋长大人, 他们有圣蒂康指引.


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