
英 [ˈsen.tɪ.mənt]      美 [ˈsen.t̬ə.mənt]
  • n. 感情,情绪;情操;观点;多愁善感
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1、senti- + -ment.
sentiment 情感,伤感,哀伤

来自拉丁语 sentire,感觉,感知,词源同 sense.-ment,名词后缀。原指客观的感觉,后词义感 情化,多用于指伤感,哀伤。

sentiment: [17] Sentiment comes via Old French sentiment from medieval Latin sentīmentum ‘feeling’, a derivative of Latin sentīre ‘feel’ (from which English gets sensation, sense, sentence, etc). It originally meant ‘feeling’ and ‘opinion’ (the former now defunct, the latter surviving with a somewhat old-fashioned air in such expressions as ‘My sentiments exactly!’). The sense ‘(excessively) refined feeling’ did not emerge until the mid-18th century.
=> sense
sentiment (n.)
late 14c., sentement, "personal experience, one's own feeling," from Old French sentement (12c.), from Medieval Latin sentimentum "feeling, affection, opinion," from Latin sentire "to feel" (see sense (n.)).

Meaning "what one feels about something" (1630s) and modern spelling seem to be a re-introduction from French (where it was spelled sentiment by 17c.). A vogue word mid-18c. with wide application, commonly "a thought colored by or proceeding from emotion" (1762), especially as expressed in literature or art. The 17c. sense is preserved in phrases such as my sentiments exactly.
1. With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement.
2. Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.
3. The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment.
4. He's found growing sentiment for military action.
5. The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment.


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