
英 [sɪˈkjʊər]      美 [səˈkjʊr]
  • adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;稳当的
  • vt. 保护;弄到;招致;缚住
  • vi. 获得安全;船抛锚;停止工作
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secure 安全的,可靠的

se-,分开,没有,-cur,关心,挂念,照顾,词源同 cure,curator.即不需要挂念的,引申词义安 全的,可靠的等。

secure: [16] Something that is secure is etymologically ‘carefree’. The word was borrowed from Latin sēcūrus, a compound adjective formed from the prefix - ‘without’ and cūra ‘care’ (source of English curate, cure, etc). The metaphorical extension from ‘free from care’ to ‘free from danger, safe’ took place in post-Augustan Latin. Sure is in effect a telescoped version of secure.
=> curate, cure, sure
secure (adj.)
1530s, "without care, dreading no evil," from Latin securus, of persons, "free from care, quiet, easy," also in a bad sense, "careless, reckless;" of things, "tranquil; free from danger, safe," from *se cura, from se "free from" (see secret (n.1)) + cura "care" (see cure (n.)).

In English, of places, "free from danger, unexposed," from 1580s. Meaning "firmly fixed" (of material things) is from 1841, on notion of "affording grounds for confidence." Of telephones, "not wiretapped," from 1961. Replaced Middle English siker, from Old English sicor, from the Latin word. Related: Securely.
secure (v.)
c. 1600, "to make safe," from secure (adj.). Meaning "ensure, make certain" is from 1650s; that of "seize and hold" is from 1640s; sense of "get possession" is from 1743. Related: Secured; securing.
1. The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit.
2. He was indefatigable in his efforts to secure funding for new projects.
3. I couldn't remember ever having felt so safe and secure.
4. Swaddle your newborn baby so that she feels secure.
5. New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.


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