
英 [rəʊm]      美 [roʊm]
  • vi. 漫游,漫步;流浪
  • vt. 在…漫步,漫游;在…流浪
  • n. 漫步,漫游;流浪
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1. roam ramble.
roam 徜徉,漫游

来自中古英语 ramen,漫游,来自 Proto-Germanic*raimona,漫游,来自 PIE*rei,移动,流动, 词源同 ramble.

roam (v.)
c. 1300, romen, possibly from Old English *ramian "act of wandering about," which is probably related to aræman "arise, lift up." There are no certain cognate forms in other Germanic languages, but Barnhart points to Old Norse reimuðr "act of wandering about," reimast "to haunt." "Except in late puns, there is no evidence of connexion with the Romance words denoting pilgrims or pilgrimages to Rome ...." [OED], such as Spanish romero "a pilot-fish; a pilgrim;" Old French romier "travelling as a pilgrim; a pilgrim," from Medieval Latin romerius "a pilgrim" (originally to Rome). Related: Roamed; roamer; roaming.
1. Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed.
2. Bobcats roam wild in the mountains.
3. The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.
4. Farmers were encouraged to keep their livestock in pens rather than letting them roam freely.
5. Scientists have more to do than to allow their imaginations to roam at large.


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