
英 [rɑːntʃ]      美 [ræntʃ]
  • n. 大农场;大牧场
  • vi. 经营牧场;在牧场工作
  • vt. 经营牧场;在牧场饲养…
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1. rangier "set in a row, place in a row, arrange, get into line," from rang "row, line" => rank.
2. rank => range ( "row, line" => "row, line or position than a gun can send a bullet" => "distance a gun can send a bullet" => 射程、范围、幅度 => 在射程或范围内徘徊、漫游 => 放牧场(在一个大的区域、范围类游荡)。
3. rank => range, arrange, ranch.
ranch 农场

来自美式西班牙语 rancho,农场,农庄,来自西班牙语 rancho,一起吃饭的人,来自古法语 ranger, 扎寨,安营,安置,来自 rang,排列,布置,词源同 range,rank.

ranch (n.)
1808, "country house," from American Spanish rancho "small farm, group of farm huts," from Spanish rancho "mess-room," originally, "group of people who eat together," from ranchear "to lodge or station," from Old French ranger "install in position," from rang "row, line" (see rank (n.)).

Sense of "large stock-farm and herding establishment" is from 1831. Of houses, "single-story, split-level" (adj.) from 1950; as a noun from 1960. Ranch-house attested from 1862.
ranch (v.)
1866, from ranch (n.). Related: Ranched; ranching.
1. They had to buy everything at inflated prices at the ranch store.
2. He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.
3. The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.
4. He went to work on a ranch.
5. The ranch castrated three - fourths of its male calves.
牧场把 四分之三 的小公牛都阉割了.



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