
英 [ræm]      美 [ræm]
  • abbr. 随机存取存储器(random access memory的缩写);随机访问内存(random-access memory的缩写)
  • n. 公羊;撞锤;撞击装置;有撞角的军舰;(水压机的)[机] 活塞
  • v. 撞击;填塞;强迫通过或接受
  • n. (Ram)人名;(英、印、尼、不丹、瑞典)拉姆
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ram 公羊,夯锤,撞击装置

来自古英语 ramm,公羊。引申诸相关词义。

ram: [OE] Ram is a general West Germanic word for ‘male sheep’, now shared only by Dutch (although German has the derivative ramme ‘rammer’). It may be related to Old Norse ramr ‘strong’, the allusion being to the ram’s strength in butting. This is reflected in the word’s metaphorical applications: it was being used in Old English for a ‘battering-ram’, and by the 14th century the verb ram had emerged.

Another relative is the verb ramble [17], which etymologically denotes ‘wander around like a randy ram, looking for ewes to copulate with’. It was borrowed from Middle Dutch rammelen, a derivative of rammen ‘copulate with’, which is connected with ram.

=> ramble
ram (v.)
"to beat with a heavy implement," c. 1300, from ram (n.). Related: Rammed; ramming.
ram (n.)
Old English ramm "male sheep," also "battering ram" and the zodiac sign; earlier rom "male sheep," a West Germanic word (cognates: Middle Low German, Middle Dutch, Dutch, Old High German ram), of unknown origin. Perhaps [Klein] connected with Old Norse rammr "strong," Old Church Slavonic ramenu "impetuous, violent."
RAM (n.)
1957, acronym for random access memory (computerese).
1. They used a lorry to ram the main gate.
2. The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.
3. They got a battering ram to smash down the door.
4. I can't understand why we're trying to ram Shakespeare down their throats.
5. 512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred.


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