
英 [kwest]      美 [kwest]
  • n. 追求;寻找
  • vi. 追求;寻找
  • vt. 探索
  • n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特
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【例】in quest of adventure寻求冒险活动
【助记】quest(谐音快死她)--- 一般死前都有寻求别人的原谅, 人之将死, 其言也善.
1. 她快死了,但是很不甘心,还不想死,因此不断的拼命寻找、寻求最后的救命稻草。
2. 经过大街(st)时发现缺(que)了个东西,于是返回去寻找(quest).
quest 探索,疑问

来自拉丁语quaere, 疑问, 询问, 查问, 可能来自PIE*kwo, 疑问代词词干, 词源同 quality,quantity,who,how.-st,过去分词后缀。

quest (n.)
c. 1300, "an inquest;" early 14c., "a search for something" (especially of judicial inquiries or hounds seeking game), from Old French queste "search, quest, chase, hunt, pursuit; inquest, inquiry" (12c., Modern French quête), properly "the act of seeking," and directly from Medieval Latin questa "search, inquiry," alteration of Latin quaesitus (fem. quaesita) "sought-out, select," past participle of quaerere "seek, gain, ask" (see query (n.)). Romance sense of "adventure undertaken by a knight" (especially the search for the Grail) is attested from late 14c. Johnson's dictionary has questmonger "Starter of lawsuits or prosecutions."
quest (v.)
mid-14c., "to seek game, hunt," from quest (n.) and from Old French quester "to search, hunt," from queste (n.). Related: Quested; questing.
1. I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.
2. My quest for a better bank continues.
3. Waite spent his life on a spiritual quest.
4. The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.
5. Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.


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