
英 [plʌmp]      美 [plʌmp]
  • vt. 使丰满;使鼓起;突然放下
  • adv. 沉重地;突然地
  • vi. 变丰满;鼓起
  • adj. 圆胖的,丰满的;鼓起的
  • n. 扑通声
  • n. (Plump)人名;(德)普伦普
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1. -ump 表示“有突出感”.
2. lump: 肿块,疙瘩.
3. plump: 丰满的(漂亮的突出).
4. hump: 驼峰.
plump 丰腴的,丰满的

词源同低地德语plumpen,荷兰语plompen,扑通声,落水,可能为拟声词。引申词义重的,大 块的,后词义褒义化,形容女人丰腴的,丰满的。

plump (adj.)
late 15c., "blunt, dull" (in manners), from Dutch plomp "blunt, thick, massive, stumpy," probably related to plompen "fall or drop heavily" (see plump (v.)). Meaning "fleshy, of rounded form" is from 1540s in English. Danish and Swedish plump "rude, coarse, clumsy" are from the Low German word and represent a different sense development.
plump (v.1)
c. 1300, "to fall or strike with a full impact," common Low German word, from or related to Middle Dutch and Dutch plompen, East Frisian plumpen, Middle Low German plumpen, probably more or less imitative of something hard striking something soft. Hence plump (n.) "a firm blow," in pugilism usually one to the stomach.
To plump; to strike, or shoot. I'll give you a plump in the bread basket, or the victualling office; I'll give you a blow in the stomach. [Grose, "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," London, 1785]

Or, even if any of them should suspect me, I know how to bring myself off. It is but pretending to be affronted, stripping directly, challenging him to fight, and before he can be on his guard, hitting him a plump in the bread-basket, that shall make him throw up his accounts; and I'll engage he will have but very little stomach to accuse me after. ["The Reverie: or A Flight to the Paradise of Fools," London, 1763]
plump (v.2)
"to become plump," 1530s, from plump (adj.). Meaning "to plump (something) up, to cause to swell" is from 1530s. Related: Plumped; plumping.
1. Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing.
2. I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer.
3. a short, plump woman
4. He was a plump, placid boy.
5. The baby is plump and very cute.


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