
英 [plʌm]      美 [plʌm]
  • vt. 使垂直;探测,探索
  • n. 垂直;铅锤
  • adv. 恰恰,正;垂直地
  • vi. 当管子工
  • adj. 垂直的
  • n. (Plumb)人名;(英)普拉姆
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plumbum 铅。
plumb 铅锤,垂直的。
aplomb 沉着,泰然自若,垂直。
前缀a可以看作是加强语气,也可以看作'of,at,to' -plomb- = plumb 铅锤.
plumb 铅,铅垂,使垂直,探索,钻研,恰好

来自拉丁语plumbum,铅,铅球,可能借自希腊语molybdos,铅,词源同molybdenum.后用于 指测量垂直度的铅球,铅锤,引申词义探索,钻研,以及副词词义恰好,正好等。

plumb: [13] Plumb comes via Old French *plombe from Latin plumbum ‘lead’, a word of uncertain origin. Of its modern English uses, the verbal ‘sound the depths’ comes from the use of a line weighted with lead (a plumb line) to measure the depth of water and the adverbial ‘exactly’ from the use of a similar line to determine verticality. Related words in English include aplomb; plumber [14] (originally simply a ‘worker in lead’, but eventually, since water pipes were once made of lead, a ‘pipe-layer’); plummet [14] (a diminutive form coined in Old French); and plunge [14] (from the Vulgar Latin derivative *plumbicāre ‘sound with a plumb’).
=> aplomb, plumber, plummet, plunge
plumb (n.)
"lead hung on a string to show the vertical line," early 14c., from Old French *plombe, plomee "sounding lead," and directly from Late Latin *plumba, originally plural of Latin plumbum "lead (the metal), lead ball; pipe; pencil," a word of unknown origin, related to Greek molybdos "lead" (dialectal bolimos) and perhaps from an extinct Mediterranean language, perhaps Iberian.
plumb (v.)
early 15c., "to sink" (like lead), from plumb (n.). Meaning "take soundings with a plumb" is first recorded 1560s; figurative sense of "to get to the bottom of" is from 1590s. Related: Plumbed; plumbing.
plumb (adj.)
"perpendicular, vertical," mid-15c., from plumb (n.). The notion of "exact measurement" led to extended sense of "completely, downright" (1748), sometimes spelled plump, plum, or plunk.
1. The hotel is set plumb in the middle of the high street.
2. Please come and plumb in my new central heating system.
3. She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.
4. She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.
5. They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.



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