
英 [ˈpeɪ.pər]      美 [ˈpeɪ.pɚ]
  • n. 纸;论文;文件;报纸
  • adj. 纸做的
  • vt. 用纸糊;用纸包装
  • vi. 贴糊墙纸;发交通违章传票
  • n. (Paper)人名;(俄)帕佩尔
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paper 纸,报纸,试卷


paper: [14] Paper gets its name from the papyrus, a sort of rush from which in ancient times paper was made. The Greek word for this (presumably borrowed from some Oriental language) was pápūros, and its Latin in descendant papyrus passed into English via Old French papier and Anglo-Norman papir. (English papyrus [14] itself was an independent borrowing direct from Latin.)
=> papyrus, taper
paper (n.)
mid-14c., from Anglo-French paper, Old French papier "paper, document," from Latin papyrus "paper, paper made of papyrus stalks" (see papyrus).

Meaning "paper money" attested from 1722. As shortened form of newspaper, first attested 1640s. In plural, "collection of papers to establish one's identity, credentials, etc.," it is attested from 1680s. Paper chase is British slang from 1932.
paper (v.)
1590s, "to write down on paper," from paper (n.). Meaning "to decorate a room with paper hangings" is from 1774. Related: Papered; papering. Verbal phrase paper over in the figurative sense is from 1955, from the notion of hiding plaster cracks with wallaper.
paper (adj.)
1590s, from paper (n.). Figurative of something flimsy or unsubstantial from 1716. Paper tiger (1952) translates Chinese tsuh lao fu, popularized by Mao Zedong. Paper doll attested from 1849; paper plate from 1723.
1. He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.
2. Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
3. Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside.
4. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper.
5. There's always tons of scrap paper in Dad's office.


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