
英 [əˈkluː.ʒən]      美 [əˈkluː.ʒən]
  • n. 闭塞;吸收;锢囚锋
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occlusion (n.)
1640s, from Medieval Latin occlusionem (nominative occlusio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin occludere (see occlude). Dentistry sense is from 1880.
1. Objective To probe the possibility visual function of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ).
目的探讨视网膜电图 ( electroretinogram,ERG ) 的检测对视网膜静脉阻塞 ( retinalvein occlusion,RVO ) 视功能评价的可能性.
2. Another important issue is one of occlusion : near objects obscuring far objects.
3. Micro - occlusion was more important for tougher surfaced natural fibers than for smooth, round man - made fibers.
微观 的吸留现象在表面粗糙的天然纤维上比在光滑的圆形化学纤维上较为重要.
4. The units with no spontaneous discharge were activated by renal artery occlusion.
5. Objective : To investigate occlusal contacts of normal occlusion in the intercuspal position.
〔摘要〕目的: 研究正常牙合牙尖交错位咬合接触的基本规律.


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