
英 [lʌl]      美 [lʌl]
  • vt. 使平静;使安静;哄骗
  • vi. 平息;减弱;停止
  • n. 间歇;暂停;暂时平静
  • n. (Lull)人名;(英)勒尔
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1. 这是一个拟声词,模拟妈妈“啦啦啦啦”地哼唱来哄小孩儿、婴儿入睡。
lull 催眠,使平静,缓和


lull: [14] There are several words similar to lull in various Germanic languages, including Swedish lulla ‘lull’ and Dutch lullen ‘prattle’, but it is not clear to what extent they are interconnected. But either individually or collectively they all no doubt go back ultimately to a repitition of the syllable lu or la, used in singing a baby to sleep. Lullaby was coined from lull in the 16th century, perhaps using the final syllable of goodbye.
lull (v.)
early 14c., lullen "hush to sleep," probably imitative of lu-lu sound used to lull a child to sleep (compare Swedish lulla "to hum a lullaby," German lullen "to rock," Sanskrit lolati "moves to and fro," Middle Dutch lollen "to mutter"). Figurative use from 1570s. Related: Lulled; lulling.
lull (n.)
1650s as the name of a soothing drink, from lull (v.). Meaning "period of quiet in a storm" is from 1815.
1. The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes.
2. Ground fighting flared up again after a two - week lull.
3. There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president.
4. With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.
5. Hung - chien knew this was the lull before the storm.
鸿 渐 知道这是暴风雨前的静寂.


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